Whispers of winter : the art and science of snowflakes The snow fell silently, softly covering the ground with a white blanket of flakes, the leaves all frozen; breezy, chilly breeze blowing, giving a magical look around. Th…
Sweet memories - The eternal treasures of the heart. I can never forget the nostalgic feeling that lights me up every time I pass through my village that holds my fondest childhood memories. Each memory has its own story. They a…
DISCIPLINE – A D0UBLE EDGED WEAPON Literally speaking, discipline can be a mode of life in accordance with rules and rules. The term additionally refers to a state of orderly conduct of a private that's gained through work i…
Pen - The blessing of God Ever since the inception of the creation, the struggle for existence has been covered on incessantly. Everything and everybody races for recognition. And many a moment man's appetite has ta…